Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Its been about SIX weeks since we made the move from EAST DETROIT, MI to NORTH HOUSTON, TX and my family and I have never been happier. We been living in our own apartment for about a month now and I'm loving all the freedom and space we have. Its so relaxing being able to do whatever at any hour of the day and not having to hear anyone nag. No more worrying about sleeping in and doing nothing (not that I really get to) and thinking my inlaws probably think im lazy. I finally get to buy and decorate our place without the worry of something going missing and getting used for a whole different purpose (baby bottles/food storage getting used for stinking fish paste, etc).
I would say our apartment is about 65% complete. Still looking around for furniture and decoration, and I still have tons to organize, but we only plan on staying at this apartment until the end of our contract, which is a year. Hopefully we will be able to find a house next year. So I know not to go overboard with buying too much for the place because moving in was not fun (we stay on the THIRD floor and it was just me and my husband!) so moving out with even more stuff would be no bieno (although the one good thing was it was a killer workout going up and down those stairs, my arms and butt never looked better!).
Once I think our place is somewhat finish, I will post picures of our wonderful home.

I am back to working full time so I have enrolled Madison into daycare. I was really nervous at first because staying home with her for two weeks straight really increased our bond. We were together 24/7 and we were always attached by the hips. It got to the point where when I left her sight, she would cry for me! As much as I would love to be a stay at home mom/wife, I think it is very important for both Maddie and I to socialize with others and for her to interact with others so she doesnt become too attached to me.
So the first day I took her, she held on to me but as soon as we walked into her room, she peeked over my shoulders, saw all the other kids and toys, and then she basically jumped from my arms and crawled to her new gang. It was a bittersweet moment for me. I was happy to see her happy and not crying, and I was also extremely upset to see her go and to be away from her. I think I'm more upset with the fact that I won't be able to see her grow up.
But I know in order to give her a good life, I must work hard now. Nothing in life comes easy and I'm just happy knowing me and my husband know how to work hard in order to provide for our family. 

Life is good just being on our own and I am truly blessed for all the good things that has happened to our family since we moved here. I don't regret leaving Michigan in such a hurry because everything happens for a reason and the timing couldn'tt have been any more perfect.

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